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War of the Black Tower: Part One of an Epic Fantasy Series: Cursed

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When a dark power rises, only a cursed prince can stand against it. Epic fantasy as only New York Times bestselling author Jack Conner could write it.
Baleron is the youngest son of the king of Havensrike, a land eternally at war with the sinister empire of Oslog to the south, ruled by the Dark Lord himself. Baleron, a womanizer and rogue, the black sheep of the royal family one step from being kicked out of the castle, longs to redeem himself in his father's eyes. But when his beautiful sister Rolenya is seized by the dark powers, the thralls of the Dark Lord call out to Baleron in worship, calling him the Chosen One of their Master. What can they mean?
As if that weren't bad enough, the gears of war begin to turn, and the legions of Oslog pour forth from their lairs to make war upon the free peoples of the North. If Baleron can't save his sister and unlock the secret of his nature, the Dark Lord will sweep the world in shadow.
War of the Black Tower: Part One: Cursed by the Dark Lord is first volume in the action-packed epic fantasy / sword and sorcery series by USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Jack Conner. With the darkness and grit of George R. R. Martin and the sweeping adventure of J. R. R. Tolkien, War of the Black Tower features grand set pieces, epic battles, operatic action and the best dragon since Smaug. If you like thrilling sword and sorcery adventure with amazing twists and turns you won't see coming, don't miss out on this unique series.
Scroll up and grab War of the Black Tower: An Epic Fantasy / Sword and Sorcery Series: Part One: Cursed by the Dark Lord today!
- Sales Rank: #33864 in eBooks
- Published on: 2014-07-22
- Released on: 2014-07-22
- Format: Kindle eBook
"Thank you, Mr. Connor, for restoring my faith in a genre that I had nearly abandoned!"
-- J. C. Smith, Amazon
"This is a must read for fantasy lovers.
This is one of the best epic fantasy stories I have read. The entire series had me enthralled from the moment I began reading. I highly recommend this trilogy and the War of the Moonstone books for anyone who enjoys a superbly written fantasy adventure."
-- R. Lewis, Amazon
"As someone who has read and re-read Tolkien stories for years, I was instantly drawn to this book.
Baleron is a debonair rapscallion but he does love his family. I could just see the precarious glint in his eyes as he did things that were mischievous including his womanizing . . . This book quickly became a favorite read. It was the first I read by this author but definitely will not be the last.
I could see this book being made into a movie as it has all the right elements."
-- Beverly Clark
"Thankfully, Jack Conner knows he is not JRR Tolkien, and he doesn't try to be. Therefore he has a style that is his own, and I dare say it is more readable than Tolkien's.
. . . The War of the Black Tower really MOVED. As much as I hate to admit it, I found myself saying, Ok, I'll read just ONE MORE chapter before I go back to work..."
-- Steven M. Bohne
From the Author
To join my newsletter and stay up to date on my writings, as well as to receive the four free novels in the Jack Conner Starter Library, go here:
About the Author
Amazon bestselling author Jack Conner lives in Austin, Texas, a city of sunshine, live music and great Mexican food. He's been reading and writing all his life, always gravitating toward the fantastic. Inspired by the great fantasy writers, from Howard to Tolkien to Martin, he writes stories of constant tension, unrestrained longing, looming darkness and danger.
Most helpful customer reviews
31 of 37 people found the following review helpful.
A good read even if you HATE fantasy genre!
By Steven M. Bohne
Let's get one thing straight. Right now. I HATE most fantasy novels. Why? I'll tell you why:
#1. Most fantasy authors try to be JRR Tolkien. Here's a tip: there was just one, he's dead, and you are never going to be him. Give it up. Thankfully, Jack Conner knows he is not JRR Tolkien, and he doesn't try to be. Therefore he has a style that is his own, and I dare say it is more readable than Tolkien's.
#2. Most fantasy authors try WAY too hard to use anachronistic language for drama. They fail. "By the hair on Oden's beard I will double and redouble my strain until the golden orb never sets on Algeneir and my hatred, like an over ripened fruit, lies sallow on my tongue." A couple pages of this crap is all I can take and I put 99 out of 100 fantasy books in the trash bin. Jack avoids this. The dialogue is fresh and not so hokey you are tempted to puke.
#2. Most fantasy authors don't believe in sentences. They write paragraph! My God, people don't talk 458 words without stopping! Yet most fantasy authors have not learned this! Jack, however, doesn't fall into this foolish trap. BTW, I think any author that writes more than 12 lines in a paragraph should be forced to write their next book on a typewriter with the 'e' key not working and have to use carbon paper.
#3: Most fantasy novels d r a a a a a g. The journey to Golfdor may be just two miles long but it takes 58 pages to get there. Is there some state law that says you have to go into intricate detail about mundane items in order to call your work a fantasy novel? This is why I don't own any firearms. If I have to read one more fantasy novel by the average fantasy author, I'll kill myself. But "The War of the Black Tower" really MOVED. As much as I hate to admit it, I found myself saying, "Ok, I'll read just ONE MORE chapter before I go back to work..."
The story was an epic battle between good and evil...told a billion times by millions of authors and so-called authors. But Jack made it interesting. He made me WANT to read it. And the few love scenes were handled very very well. Sorry ladies, it's not steamy erotica, Jack doesn't include all the juicy details like a Desiree Holt soft porn romance (thank God for small favors). And the story was well defined without missing pieces. If I have any complaint, it is that the time Bal is in the mines the time jumps 3 years over a space of about two pages...but I'm really nitpicking there. I would have liked to have a little more backstory about his time in slavery and how his relationship with Veronica developed, but that's just me.
So Jack, I've gotta hand it to you. You wrote a fantasy novel that kept my interest and I couldn't put down, and I HATED to reach the last page, and I am actually looking forward to part two. You should know I hate your guts. So when is part two coming out?
19 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
A potentially good work - tainted
By T. Fruge
“The War of the Black Tower: Book One of a Dark Epic Fantasy Trilogy" is a swashbuckling epic fantasy adventure. Imagine the reach of J.R.R. Tolkien, the propulsive action of Robert E. Howard and the modern grit of George R. R. Martin, and you'll have some idea of the thrills awaiting you in "The War of the Black Tower: Book One of a Dark Epic Fantasy Trilogy", sword and sorcery for grown-ups."
Blah...blah... blah... NOT! That has become standard marketing hype, so don't believe it.
If THIS is what constitutes “sword and sorcery for grown-ups”, then it doesn’t speak well of the modern-day adult mindset. It is either that, or perhaps the phrase “grown-up” no longer connotes such things as circumspection and maturity? Truthfully, when most folk reach for a book classified as adult which claims to be Tolkienesk in any sense, they do not expect to pick up some cheesy rip-off whose main “hero” is a promiscuous, under-age teen whose sexual exploits are laid out for them in page after page of lurid detail; i.e. – “her salty wetness”!
Please Jack! That is nothing more than cheap porn shop novel, trash!
When most of us think of adult level fantasy we are not expecting one to avoid such topics as underage promiscuity altogether, but we do expect it to be treated in a mature fashion. So why is it then that the only adults in this tale who do act to reprove, restrain, and punish such misbehavior are portrayed as bad guys themselves; i.e.- His father the king… General Tines… and every husband whom he duels, defeats, and often kills? The so-called people of “light” could seem to care less. It strikes me as ironic that the modern fantasy depiction of elves elevates them to angelic status, and yet they are some of the most morally ambiguous characters in these stories! Take “Shelir” for example: Here we have your typical heroin, who is an elf, and supposed endowed with godlike qualities of wisdom, etc.; and yet she not only disregards Baleron’s well-published infamy, she has sex with him on the first go! She no eleven princess! She’s a sluttish Nymphomaniac!
For my part, I am always looking for new Authors who truly do aspire to the same literary heights of a J.R.R. Tolkien, yet perhaps it is one of the essential qualities which made him who he was, and his writing so Olympian when measured against all other pretenders, is the very fact that he was a man of truly good and decent character. “Out of the treasures of our hearts, the mouth speaks”; and all that he ever wrote was priceless, pure, and wholesome.
Let it be a warning to all pretenders to his crown – These are the underlying essential qualities which define a true Tolkien wannabe.
As for grading the story line… It’s pretty much your standard “coming of age” heroic with a twist isn’t it? This time the reluctant boy forced to grow-up is the unwilling catalyst of evil wherever he goes, and no matter what good intentions he may have; the villains always find a way to exploit it for evil. Excellent! Sounds very much like our modern politicians doesn’t it? This alone earned Mr. Conner a Star.
The characters… While a fair attempt is made at fleshing out who the players are, there are some very annoying information gaps. For example: We are told early on that Baleron is the youngest son of the king – Lord Grothgar, yet are not told that he is the last of 16, nor how these other sixteen came to be. Were they all the get of one woman? Not impossible I suppose, but… WOW!
The antagonist… Here we nearly a carbon-copy of LOTR face-off. In place of Sauron, we have “Gilgaroth”; in place of Saruman, we have Ungier; instead of Orcs we have “Borchstogs”; all accompanied by the standard clich�s of giant spiders, trolls, serpents, vampires, werewolves, demons, ghouls, goblins, and who could leave out the enormous tentacled thingies with… oh yeah “giant toothy maws”! And guess what? Like Sauron - Gilgaroth wants to conquer Middle Earth… er, pardon me, the “Crescent” so he can turn the whole planet into a malignant, stinking, sulfurous ash heap!
Okay, okay… some of like seeing more of all that; it’s like peanuts… You can’t consume just one.
To the good, Mr. Conner does do something few others do: He gives PURPOSE to all of the evil and suffering Gilgaroth causes; i.e. – He NEEDS the souls of those he slays to make himself stronger so that he in turn can free his exiled father. So here at least, it is not just pointless, gratuitous, mayhem and butchery.
Also, he toys with philosophical notions of fate, predestination, and free will in an interesting, albeit convoluted way. It soon becomes obvious that our “Hero” is no free agent despite whatever impulses he may have. The skein of his life is already set, although precisely by WHOM we are not really told. If it’s this Gilgaroth character, then that would make him a god above all others, including his own “father”, now wouldn’t it? Which of course only makes sense in a “fantasy” novel.
Conclusion: I can’t honestly recommend these books to all readers; especially not as something on a par with the late Tolkien.
It contains far too much focus on trashier elements which are neither necessary nor welcome in a story which would be far better without it. Suggestion: Mr. Conner, leave the lurid details out concerning the sexual. Remember Bogart & Hepburn’s romance scene in “The African Queen”? Yeah, that was “class”. The viewer knew what was about to happen between them without needing to be shown the “gritty”, titillating details… Try that out if you MUST include sex in your storyline. Trust in OUR imaginations to fill in the details, and use your ink elsewhere.
My 3 stars are for (1) Simply making a great effort (2) An interesting twist on some standard… some say “clich�d” themes (3) Continuity of storyline where too many others become confusing.
You lost points for tainting your own work by injecting needless, gratuitous porn into a perfectly good storyline. And finally you lost a star for “padding” your work with pages of needless information, while failing to give us essential details on the histories and motives of all the parties involved.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Kick-butt epic fantasy
By Manchester
I love this book! Awesome epic fantasy action. Baleron is our hero, and he’s cursed, but he’s not going to let that stop him from kicking bad guy butt, is he? No!
The novel is paced faced, with lots of twists and turns. The writing is tight and atmospheric. The setting is very Lord of the Rings-ish, but without the cutesy elements. No hobbits or bumbling dwarves here. But there are elves, and orc-like bad buys, a Dark Lord who’s sweeping the world in shadow.
It’s dark fantasy and not for people who don’t like a little bloodshed and adult situations. But for those that do this is your book. Classic adventure sword and sorcery, with an epic scope, and AN AMAZING DRAGON. Seriously, the best dragon that’s come down the pike in a long time.
Can’t wait to see what happens next!
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